Flooding can cause a lot of damage. Not only can flooding damage a home, but it can also do a lot of harm to drinking water. There are some reasons why flooding is very dangerous especially to the water that people drink.
If flooding occurs and water levels go over the watershed, contamination of even water purifiers can happen. The water will pass through them too quickly and will not be properly filtered. The contaminants can even reach the groundwater. Bacteria and other impurities may get through the purification process as well. This can make a person ill if they drink it. These situations usually result in boil notices.
Well Contamination
If a person has a well that provides water to their home and there is a flood there is a chance that the water can be contaminated. Bacteria and nitrates can go from the surface into the groundwater supply. It is up to the homeowner to find a way to remove these impurities from their well. Always look for a reputable water purification company to professionally test your water before drinking again.
Sewage Risk
With excessive-high water levels, there is always the chance for septic and other sewage systems to flood. This can lead to unsafe conditions and a big mess. If sewage waste can get into the drinking water and a person consumes it they are at risk for infections and other sicknesses. Always keep an eye out for boil notices if you suspect this to be the case.
Gastrointestinal Issues
If E Coli or salmonella has gotten into the water that people are drinking due to flooding this can lead to trouble. At best a person can expect a stomachache. At worst, they can experience vomiting or diarrhea leading to dehydration. The bacteria get into the water systems from flooding, which is why homeowners should always have their water tested after a flood.
Skin Infections
Flooding does not put a person at risk of drinking the water. They are also at risk when washing up. If a person showers in water that has become contaminated they are at a risk for skin infections. Bacteria may be able to get into a cut from the water from a shower or even washing the dishes and lead to an infection. Dangerous bacteria can be in the water and if it gets into the body it can lead to serious trouble.
Mosquito Illnesses
Flood water attracts bugs including mosquitoes. These pests love to live in the standing water from a flood. This can put illnesses such as the Zika virus or other germs into the water. If ingested a person can become seriously ill.
Find Water Filtration in Houston
If you think your drinking water has been affected by a flood, contact your water provider to find out if a boil notice is in effect. In addition, consider contacting the experts on water filtration at Houston Water Solutions to learn more about protecting your drinking water.