Are your sinks becoming filled with limescale build-ups day in day out? Wondering what’s the problem? Well, you don’t have to be stressed up. You might be experiencing adverse effects of hard water in your home. Therefore, going for a water softener is an ultimate choice in solving that.
There are innumerable reasons why softening water using softener in your home is very commendable. This is because water softener is designed to entirely remove perks of magnesium and calcium traced in the water supply. So, if you have made up your mind to install a water softener in your home, it’s good to take into consideration some prerequisite installation process aspects.
Water Softening Process
1. Water softener installation
This is the first step and a necessity for obtaining soft water. Hire a professional plumber with high expertise in in-house water softener installation. Only use quality and approved parts of the water softener.
2. Resin Beads to trap hard water minerals
Immediately the installation process is complete, the beads in it will start functioning. These microscopic beads are highly charged negative to attract positively charged calcium and magnesium particles.
3. Regeneration
Once the resin beads are filled with hard water regeneration process begins instantly. This mostly happens at night when no one is using the water. Here brine is regularly pumped in the resin tank. Then the collected hard minerals are flushed harmlessly to a drain tank for softening process to start again. Therefore, while purchasing a water softener, it’s advisable to check its functionality. Go with a cost-efficient one that will not allow hard water to get into the system.
4. Water storage ready for consumption.
Benefits of Having a Home Water Softener
Undeniably, living home with hard water can be expensive. However, a water softener can be a lifesaver if you are plagued with adverse effects of hard water. So, what’s the importance of having a water softener in your home? Let’s visualize together.
Saves you money
Hard water is renowned in creating build-ups in pipes and water appliances, thus high repair bills. However, this is not the case with soft water. You don’t have to fear the inefficiency of your laundry machines to mentions a few.
Saves time
If you have ever used hard water in cleaning, you can testify how time-consuming it is. However, with a water softener doing the cleaning is like a blink of an eye. It swiftly penetrates soap, saving you time on cleaning tasks.
It offers a guarantee of clean and bright clothes
Water softener prevents adverse effects of hard water on your clothes, making them look new, fresh, and soft in touch. This is because soft water penetrates quickly in clothes making cleaning effectively and easier.
Soft skin
According to health practitioners, soft water is highly beneficial to human skin and hair. As soft water doesn’t have insoluble ions, you enjoy deep lather. This alleviates hard water effects of eroding natural oils in your skin and hair.
Still on a dilemma whether you need a water softener? Check out the learning center of Houston Water Solutions or contact for more insights.